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Give Us Your Listing--We'll Give You The World!

The International MLS [IMLS]

  • Global visibility for your property listing on the world's first International MLS [IMLS] and the IMLS search, as well as by our exporting data feeds with your listing to around 300 International real estate portals.
  • More and more people from around the world are buying property OUTSIDE of their own country or region
  • The IMLS search is found on many web sites throughout the world. From Florida to Spain, from France to Los Angeles, the IMLS search has already been delivered to agents and brokers throughout the world as they share in commissions from their clients. 35,000 IMLS searches recently delivered to Prudential USA agents ALONE!
  • For greatest exposure of your property, having your property listed on the IMLS along with the traditional local MLS in your area will increase your property's exposure throughout the world.
  • Expert representation on the local level from our experienced real estate brokers or agency partners.
  • For the first time, home sellers in your area can have your listings on web sites from agents and brokers from other parts of the USA and around the world.....providing maximum visibility of your home!

Expand the potential reach of your property listing and the amount of potential buyers by seeing that your property is listed with us right HERE with our local experts, and feel free to contact us at info@TheInternationalMLS.com

The USA search will be coming on to the international search very soon---as its own separate search. We will be exporting your listing to around 300 international real estate portals, as well as the USA ones, shortly after receiving your listing.

Our goal, as always, is to be First Class---World Class.... and this is how your property will be marketed.

For more information about this service please complete the form below

* Your Name:
* Telephone:
* E-Mail Address:
* Your Resident City:
* Your Resident State:
* Your Resident Country:
* Country of Home Listing:
To select Multiple Choices, click once with your
left mouse button and press Control on your keyboard.
Enter Your Comments/Requests:

No listings may be posted on the IMLS except by approved real estate agents and brokers and must first be entered on to the local MLS
Please contact us at info@theinternationalmls.com if you would like us to suggest one of the approved agents and brokers.

Agents And Brokers -- Click Here For Your IMLS Search

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